Lottery Profits
Lotteries are state-sponsored games of chance in which players purchase tickets for a chance to win a prize, usually money. The profits from lottery games are used to fund government programs. In the United States, all state governments operate lotteries. They have monopoly rights over the games, and no commercial lotteries may compete with them. As of August 2004, forty states and the District of Columbia had active lotteries, covering about 90% of the nation’s population.
Historically, states have promoted lotteries to generate revenue for social welfare programs without the need to increase taxes on middle-class and working-class residents. In the immediate post-World War II period, with growing populations and increased social safety net costs, this seemed a plausible approach to funding public services. However, this arrangement soon came into question, especially with the rising cost of a rapidly expanding social safety net, a growing military expenditure and increased inflation. In the end, state governments realized that they needed additional sources of revenue to continue providing services and avoiding excessive taxation on their citizens.
Lottery profits are divided up in various ways among the participating states, as shown in Table 7.1. Most of the states allocate a significant percentage to education, with New York and California spending the most (and receiving the largest share of the total). The states also use a portion of the proceeds for other purposes, such as medical research, veterans’ benefits and sports facilities.
While many people believe that a lucky number or combination of numbers will increase their odds of winning, there is no scientific evidence for this belief. Each lottery drawing is an independent event, and each number has the same probability of being drawn as any other. Choosing numbers that have appeared often in previous drawings will not increase your chances of winning, either, because each lottery draw is an independent event.
The National Gambling Impact Study Committee (NGISC) found that lottery profits have increased substantially since the late 1970s, and a substantial part of the revenue is derived from low-income populations. In a 1999 final report, the NGISC noted that the marketing of lotteries promotes luck, instant gratification, and entertainment as alternatives to hard work, prudent investing, and saving. Its message, the NGISC argued, is particularly troubling in low-income communities.
Although the chances of winning the lottery are slim, some individuals have walked away with large sums of money. In these cases, a disciplined financial management strategy is critical to sustaining the wealth that you’ve won. You should consult with a financial advisor, certified public accountant or other qualified professionals when deciding whether to take a lump sum or annuity payout.
Lottery advertising is widely distributed through television, radio, print, Internet and electronic billboards. In addition, some states use their lottery profits to sponsor special events and community projects. One example of this is the Amber Alert system, which uses lottery-funded television, radio and billboards to disseminate information about abducted children.